Tuesday, December 21, 2010

90 Day Nutritional Challenge follow up!

Hello Everyone!

So we're coming to the end of our 90 Day Challenge. Starting next Monday evening 12/27, I'll be at the gym by 5pm to take measurements and do the last weigh in. If you can't come by on Monday no worries I'll be there every day after 5pm so I can do it then. I'd appreciate every one's feedback and how they're feeling. I'll input all of the stats and announce the winner by next Friday 12/31. Not to worry for anyone who missed out this time or would like to participate again we'll be setting up a new 45 day challenge starting Monday 1/10/10. I encourage everyone to participate! More details to follow regarding the new challenge as we get closer! I am very proud of everyone and their accomplishments this year! Next year is going to be great and it's time to set some new goals! What do you want to accomplish at Canyon this coming year?

Best wishes!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Allergic to Wheat?

A few of us have been wondering... Do we have certain aliments or issues because of wheat?

Some of you may have read the article post by Andrew last week in which a girl had many problems and the doctor's couldn't even figure out what was wrong with her. Come to find out she was allergic to wheat.

One of your new Canyon members has shared that she has taken wheat out of her diet and many of her previous health problems are gone. So I decided to do a little investigation. I found an insightful website and thought I'd share some of the highlights with you.

Now if you follow Paleo or Primal, you're already beginning to eliminate wheat. So for those of you, I want to ask have you noticed a change in any thing besides your fat loss? For example, did you suffer from headaches before and now have them less or not at all. Did you have any other problems that you've noticed are not as bothersome?

Wheat allergy or wheat intolerance? What are your symptoms?

  • Headache?
  • Bloated stomach?
  • Diarrhea?
  • Tired?
  • Skin rash?

Just a few of the symptoms that you might suspect are caused by a food allergy or intolerance, and in your case possibly wheat.

Below is a list of the wide range of symptoms that are associated with wheat allergy or intolerance. Not everyone suffers from them, and certainly not all of them at the same time.

Symptoms of a wheat allergy or wheat intolerance (and several others)

  • Arthritis
  • Bloated stomach
  • Chest pains
  • Depression or mood swings
  • Diarrhea
  • Eczema
  • Feeling dizzy or faint
  • Joint and muscle aches and pains
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Palpitations
  • Psoriasis
  • Skin rashes
  • Sneezing
  • Suspected irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)/similar effects
  • Swollen throat or tongue
  • Tiredness and lethargy
  • Unexplained cough
  • Unexplained runny nose
  • Watery or itchy eyes

These symptoms can also be indicative of many other medical conditions, and therefore professional medical advice should always be sought when trying to determine a cause.

So another question. How many of the symptoms listed above do you suffer from?

One, three or four, more?

Wheat is a major diet constituent for much of the world. It is an ingredient for a wide range of foods. Using wheat in food manufacture has advantages that make its continued mass growth vital to manufacturers. It's a cheap bulking agent that often takes the place of better quality ingredients in a product.

So if wheat is considered one of the most wholesome, nutritious foods, then why is wheat one of the most common foods that people become allergic to? Wheat is now listed in the top 8 food allergens along with peanuts, tree nuts, milk, fish, shellfish, eggs and soy.

Most people eat wheat so often their bodies adapt and cope and so they experience mild forms of the symptoms (known as wheat intolerance) without ever really being aware of where the problem lies. Withdrawing wheat from the diet and therefore ridding the body of wheat can lead to immense improvements in health and well being.

But, and it's a big but, once wheat is eliminated from the diet it can very rarely be reintroduced. A wheat intolerance may, after a substantial wheat free period, allow a very minor reintroduction of wheat into the diet. A genuine wheat allergy has no route back to eating wheat.

Visit www.wheat-free.org for more information

Monday, October 4, 2010

10 Ways to train better at CrossFit

I found these words online I can only assume written by a CrossFit Trainer!! Read these 10 ways to train as a better CrossFitter. They are definite words of wisdom!!

1. Have fun – Whether it be in CrossFit or your favorite sport or shopping with grandma, make sure you try and have fun. Honestly, you can do CrossFit just about anywhere with anyone or by yourself. You choose to come to for a reason. You work hard all day, make the time at CrossFit be the one hour a day where you can be yourself and let loose.

2. Show up on time – Actually show up early and leave late. Foam roll, stretch and get rid of all that junk in your lower back and shoulders. Showing up late will only cheat you out of a sufficient warm-up. Without a good warm-up, your chance of injury increases exponentially. If you show up early you have two options, cheer on the class that is finishing or start warming up.

3. Don’t whine – It’s okay to cry, just make sure that we can’t see or hear you and remember to clean up your tears when you’re done. Maybe the song that comes on isn’t your favorite, in the immortal words of Josh Everett “If you need music to motivate you, go find something else to do”. Be careful of asking me to change the song, I might just put on Miley Cyrus’ Party in the USA on repeat. I’m your coach, not Mix Master Mike. You have a task to accomplish, so do it. Yes I know that every workout is hard and I know that you hate running and I know that the bar hurts your delicate hands, but there comes a time when we have to nut up or shut up…or both. CrossFit is constantly varied, so the odds are that you will see some workouts you hate. That’s why it’s CrossFit and not alltheshityoulikeFit. When you come to CrossFit, be ready to work. Come prepared to face all those pains and things you hate head on. Accept the suck.

4. Give it all – More than strength, speed, flexibility or endurance, effort is what matters most. I don’t care if you’re Joe Thruster with a sub 3 minute Fran, if you half-ass a workout, you’re a pussy. Grandma doing jumping pull-ups and thrusters with a PVC kicked your ass because she gave everything she had just short of a stroke. Times and weights matter, but they fail in comparison to effort. Keep pushing yourself to your most extreme limits. I don’t care if you have a 500 lbs or 50 lbs deadlift as long as you put forth the effort and don’t sandbag.

5. Listen to your coach – We are here to help you get more fit and accomplish your goals. When we say things like “you’re lifting with your back, use more hips” don’t act surprised when your lower back is sore. When we tell you that the foam roll and lacrosse ball works, we aren’t just being sadistic. We tell you to rest because you need rest, just as we tell you to get in the gym more because you need to be in the gym more. If you want to get better at something, you have to practice it. Plain and simple. Yes there are some of you who are naturally good at some things, but why not get better?

6. Fail sometimes – The unique thing about CrossFit is that the only way to achieve excellence is through failure. The strength portion of our workouts are designed to where you may fail at a set. If you don’t fail you aren’t trying hard enough! CrossFit is an environment where no one will laugh at you or put a permanent letter in your file for dumping an overhead squat. Don’t be afraid to fail, there’s always next time. Pushing yourself to fail is more of a mental thing than it is a physical thing. We have conditioned ourselves to think that failing is bad and therefore don’t push ourselves in fear of failure. Take that fear away and see what you can accomplish.

7. Eat good food – The short answer is eat Zone, Paleo or Primal. If you don’t want to eat like that, just eat meat, some fruit, vegetables, little starch, no sugar, no grains. If you’re low on energy, then you’re not eating enough. I remember a lot of people starting off on Paleo complain of low energy then proceed to tell me that they didn’t eat anything all day because they didn’t know what to eat. Is it that hard to eat meat and vegetables these days? I ate ice cream every day and pizza every other day. If I can do it, you can too.

8. Count it – Tracking your workouts matters. WOD books coming soon!!!

9. Be nice – CrossFitters are notorious for making fun of people who go to globo gyms (present company included). People achieve their personal fitness goals in their own ways. Some may like the pace of a spin or pilates class and some may like the intensity of CrossFit. Instead of pointing out their propensity for douchiness on the elliptical, try introducing them to CrossFit. You’ll get a better reaction and won’t come off like a jerk. You were once that guy on the squat machine or that girl on the elliptical. If someone made fun of you and then said CrossFit was the way to superior fitness, you would tell them to go F themselves.

10. Get involved – CrossFit is more than just an hour of working out. We are a family and you can get as involved as you like. Just like anything else, you get out what you put in. Look at different events others at the gym are involved in.

Hope you guys find these words helpful, I did!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

90 Day Nutrition and Goal challenge

Hello Everyone,

Starting Monday 9/20/2010, we are going to start a nutrition and goal challenge. Monday I will be at the gym by 430pm until after our last class at 7pm. I will go over the three basic nutrition plans CrossFit follows (Zone, Paleo and Primal). I will be taking a before photo, measurements and your weight. You will set three goals you would like to attain by 12/20/2010 be it a new technique at the gym or simply drinking your daily water! I strongly recommend getting a small notebook or some sort of journal to write in your meals for the day and to track your WOD's. You may want to check out www.sparkspeople.com it's a free online website that you can track everything that you eat, input your measurements and customize your food lists. We will have weekly weigh in's and check your progress throughout the 90 days. So come to the gym on Monday between 4:30-8pm to get started. I will post more details throughout the week and will continue to post to details, recipes, etc throughout the challenge. Email me with any questions, melisa@canyoncrossfit.com