Wednesday, September 15, 2010

90 Day Nutrition and Goal challenge

Hello Everyone,

Starting Monday 9/20/2010, we are going to start a nutrition and goal challenge. Monday I will be at the gym by 430pm until after our last class at 7pm. I will go over the three basic nutrition plans CrossFit follows (Zone, Paleo and Primal). I will be taking a before photo, measurements and your weight. You will set three goals you would like to attain by 12/20/2010 be it a new technique at the gym or simply drinking your daily water! I strongly recommend getting a small notebook or some sort of journal to write in your meals for the day and to track your WOD's. You may want to check out it's a free online website that you can track everything that you eat, input your measurements and customize your food lists. We will have weekly weigh in's and check your progress throughout the 90 days. So come to the gym on Monday between 4:30-8pm to get started. I will post more details throughout the week and will continue to post to details, recipes, etc throughout the challenge. Email me with any questions,