Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 1 of my nutrition blog

So after the last 60 day nutrition challenge I made it through!! I took a couple of weeks off and now it's time to start journaling everything I eat again to make sure I stay on track with my paleo/primal eating, staying lean and keeping up with my training!! Not sure if I'm doing the individual NLI in September but I am doing OC Throwdown in Jan 2012 so lots of work to do!!

Today I woke up at 4am!! WTF??!! How do you people do it on a regular everyday basis??!! It wasn't bad after my first cup of coffee and a shower! Had a lot of fun training my 6 & 7am class!! Thank you OCC clients for your warm welcome and smiles so early in the morning!

My usual coffee french pressed with heavy cream and stevia!
Egg white scramble at a nice cafe in Costa Mesa. Egg whites, spinach, tomato, mushrooms, bacon and ham! It was super yummy!! I had 1 piece of squaw bread with a little butter.

1/4 avocado

1/2 protein shake
1 serving of progenex recovery chocolate protein mix
16 oz almond milk
1.5 tbsp almond butter
1/2 banana
1 scoop of amazing greens superfood

Split Jerk
105, 115,125, 135 fail, 135 fail, 135 fail :-(
4 Rounds for time
30 double unders
20 KB swings 35lb
10 burpees

Steak fajitas w/side salad
2 tbsp of sour cream, 3 tbsp guacamole, 2 tbsp of ranch
5 chips
2 shots of patron :-) It was shaken poured over ice don't know if I actually finished 2 shots but I'm putting it down.

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