Thursday, May 5, 2011

60 Day Nutrition Challenge 5/11-7/11

Canyon CrossFit's Nutrition Challenge

Our 60 day challenge is the true test of the Paleo/Primal diet. Regardless of your fitness or health goals, you WILL look, feel and perform your best on the Paleo/Primal diet. Give it a shot – you will not be disappointed!

Rule #1: Keep it simple – Paleo/Primal in a Nutshell

For the next 60 days you are free to consume all of the following foods:

- animal protein (“Eat meat that once had a face and a soul” -–
Robb Wolf… eat grassfed meat, cage-free poultry, and
wild-caught seefood when possible)
- eggs
- veggies (try to get the bulk from non-starchy vegetables seasonal veggies are best)
- fruit (seasonal and/or berries are best keep to a minimal)
- nuts (cashews and peanuts are NOT nuts)
- seeds
- spices & salt
- olive oil, coconut oil and
organic butter for cooking

- Omega 3 Fish Oil – (we recommend Barlean's which can be purchased from us)

Rule #2: No naked carbs

To prevent your blood sugar from spiking, keep your meals balanced and do NOT eat fruit away from protein.

Rule #3: Post WOD meal

Try to eat protein and the bulk of your carbs within 30 minutes post workout.

Rule #4: You will team up with an accountability partner.

Everyday for 60 days (beginning Wednesday 5/11) you will keep a record of all your meals and snacks (don’t worry about writing down portions). At the end of every week you will check in with Melisa to view and analyze your nutrition so she can make some suggestions but you will also choose a partner or have one assigned so you can have some additional accountability (i.e., share, laugh and vent). Communication can be via email/phone/text with your partner and when you check in with Melisa it can be via email or in person on Friday's at anytime of the day.

Rule #5: No more than 3 alcoholic drinks per week.

All participants will be limited to 3 of the following alcoholic beverages per week:

1) Red wine (4oz serving)
2) “
Nor Cal Margarita"

3) Light 12oz beer

Rule #6: There are NO true cheat days but they happen we have to live life right, but try not to. Duh.

The purpose of this challenge is to give your body and your gut some time to heal by removing potential irritants such as gluten and minimal dairy from your diet. Just one “cheat meal” can cause a flare-up that can set you back a week or more. If you DO cheat or “accidentally” eat a pizza, please write it on your nutrition log, and fess up to your accountability partner or one of the trainers.

Rule #7: You must take before/after pictures and have your body fat % taken with the caliper test.

These pictures are for your personal records and will only be shared with the judge if you are interested in winning the prize money.

We will need a total of 2 shots: a front view and side view. Take the picture in front of a white wall, wearing only shorts if you are a male, or shorts and a sports bra if you’re female. The photographer should stand close enough to fill the frame with you.

The first set of photos must be taken by the first day of the challenge, preferably a few days before. A second set of photos must be taken at the completion of the challenge.

Rule #8: If you have you have a serious medical condition, please contact us before you sign up so we can see if the Paleo/Primal Challenge is right for you.

Rule #9: So, how do I win?
1. 1 point awarded per day for logging meals and 1 point if you don't cheat (120pts)

2. 1 point awarded per day for logging WODs and working out (60pts) now I don't expect people to workout every day but just showing max points

3. Points for improvement on FGB (each rep increase will be awarded)
4. Points for improvement on before and after pictures

5. Caliper body fat test (1 point for every .50% dropped)

Cost & Signing Up:

The cost for the Nutrition Challenge is $30. Money will go towards prizes for 1st man and woman and to Melisa for putting it all together, the time for weekly meetings of nutrition journal, my blog updates, recipes etc.... Money will be collected/must be collected on the start of the challenge.

Get familiar with the Paleo/Primal way of life before we embark on this new nutrition challenge by reviewing the links below:

As for me, your coach, I will post my before and after pictures. I will post what I eat daily, recipes and other helpful links every day! If you have any questions please email me.

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