Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 16 of Nutrition Challenge

I'm over this day already!!

So you know when everything seems to be going well and you're on cloud 9...Then stuff comes up and comes out and you realize well crap now I'm only on cloud 2 today :-/ That's me today. It's one of those days where I'd rather blow off everything I need to do, go to the beach, ride around my beach cruiser and have some tremendously HUGE schooners! :-) We'll see how my day turns out.

I did my weekly measurements, my waist and waist at belly button are roughly the same. My waist is slightly smaller but still not to 26in yet. Here is a picture of my after the river stomach! Thank you for reminding me Homer! I did take this picture on Tuesday!

Coffee with heavy cream and stevia
1 egg
2 egg whites
1 chicken sausage
onions and mushrooms
sauteed in 1/2 tbsp butter

3 persian cucumbers with lemon pepper and hot sauce
10 walnuts

My usual protein shake..I know, I know..I need to make more time & eat a real meal, but it's so easy & convenient! Plus it's really yummy!
1.5 scoops of protein
16 oz of almond milk
1/2 banana
1.5 tbsp of almond butter (you see I switch up from almond to sunflower seed butter :-)

1/2 on my way to the gym and the other 1/2 3 hours later after my WOD.

1 minute max push press 60lbs, 3 rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds (70 reps)

15 min AMRAP
10 ball slams 15lbs
20 box jumps 24in box
30 lunges
100 m farmers walk 44lb kb
5 rounds

Coconut Pork leftovers 8oz


  1. i like the toilet paper rolls in the background

  2. Hahaha..I noticed the toilet paper roll when I posted it & laughed. Hey we all use it! And it's my roomy's fault the tp holder is broken so it's forced to sit on top of the bowl! :-)
