Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 8 of Nutrition Challenge

First week down!

After one week, updating my blog is getting easier and quicker! I like the accountability of my blog and I find it keeps me in line.

2 cups of coffee w/3 tbsp of heavy cream and stevia
Omelet consisting of:
2 slices of Trader Joe's Turkey Peppered Bacon
1 egg organic, cage free omega 3 enriched
2 pure egg whites
2 green onion stalks
4 mushrooms
1/2 tbsp organic butter

This is definitely a favorite of mine and I tend to eat this a lot for breakfast. For those of you wondering which bacon I buy, here's a picture. I'll get the peppered or original.

I was running late (as usual) I ate 2 pieces of turkey bacon and 1/4 avocado...Not my best meal but something I grabbed on the go.

Left over pork stuff green pepper (approx 40z of meat and veggies)
Left over turkey spaghetti with spaghetti squash and mixed veggies (approx. 3oz of meat)

Ryan C and Drew came over for dinner to eat my leftovers. Thankfully, otherwise I would've been eating stuffed green peppers for the next couple of days.

Tabata (not my favorite)
4x ring rows
4x 24in box jumps
4x 15lb ball slams
4x 44lb kb swings
2 min row
2 rounds no rest in between rounds
20 seconds on 10 seconds off


  1. Applewood smoked and uncured, and peppered. I dig it. May pick some up to try it out, assuming the turkey bacon is more lean than pork bacon.

  2. It's like 5 grams of fat and 50 calories for 1 piece + 5 grams of protein. It's great! I do love me some pork or beef bacon too. Trader Joes has some beef bacon applewood smoked and uncured too :-)
