Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 17 of Nutrition Challenge

Busy busy day.....

2 cups of coffee with heavy cream and stevia
1 egg
2 egg whites
1 chicken sausage
onions and mushrooms
sauteed in 1/2 tbsp butter

Warm up:
3 minutes of farmer walks 25lb dumbbells each arm
5 strict pullups
400m sprint
500m at 80% row

1 thruster increasing weight every 20 seconds 95, 100,, 105, 110, 115 (failed)
5 rounds
1 thruster (95lbs)
20 dbl unders
I forget my time

3 800m runs with 20lb weighted vest (3-4 minutes rest between rounds)
I have to say if I weight an extra 20 lbs it would suck ass to run all the time!!

Seattle's Best Coffee
large cafe americano over ice with 2 squirts of sugar free hazelnut and heavy cream

El Torito
Steak fajitas
3-4 tbsp of sour cream
3-4 tbsp of guacamole
3 tecate beers (these were my carbs for the day - not the best but well worth the refreshing feeling hahaha)


  1. LOL I love how almost every other one of the entries has beer in some shape or form. Keep up the good work!

  2. Shhhh...don't point that out Wayne..but now for the remainder of the challenge I'm not drinking any more beer!! So for roughly 40 days no beer! ahhhhh.....
