Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 24 of Nutrition Challenge

Fabulous Friday!

For some reason a I woke up and still feel really tired! Glad it's Friday, I get to do some Oly training today, love it! Thankfully I don't have much planned this weekend. I really don't think I could take another weekend of debauchery anyway! The sun is out so I'm looking forward to some sunbathing by the pool or beach at some point in time.

I did forget to give an updated on Wednesday regarding my body stats so I'll do it today. On Wednesday when I went to East Canyon Chiro for a massage and quick adjustment so I weighed myself. Outcome down from my last 131 to 129.5 (This is the difference from day 9 of the challenge). My waist is a just slightly less than 26in and my waist at belly button is just slightly less than 28in. I am definitely down from the beginning of the challenge so that's exciting. The next 35 days or so are going to be easier when it comes to nutrition but I am going to have to do some extra cardio and/or variations of more metcon WODs with a weighted vest to finally have that 6 pk show. I have a battle ahead of me! And I can't have anymore extended holiday weekends of pure gluttony!

2 egg whites
2 Trader Joe Turkey Bacon
1 egg
onions & mushrooms sauteed in 1/2 tbsp of coconut oil.
My usual french pressed Cafe Bustelo coffee with heavy cream and stevia.

Yesterday when I bought my green superfood at Mother's I bought stevia in liquid format so it's pure stevia, I like it way more than the powder stuff. When you first try stevia at times you can taste an after taste that some people don't like, or you're like me and just get used to it. With the pure liquid, there is no after taste!! Yum!

Protein Shake
1.5 scoops of protein
16oz of Almond Milk
1/2 banana
1.5 tbsp almond butter
1 scoop of amazing grass greens superfood

Strength Training
3x5 back squat
123lbs, 145lb, 167lb
3x5 RDL
145lb, 167lb, 189lb
3x5 negative pull ups (ouch)
3x12 reverse hyper extension machine
5x10 ab wheel roller

Metcon WOD:
For Time:
400m run buy in
45lb squat clean thrusters
100 double under cash out
Time: 14:32

Slaters 50/50
lettuce wrapped 50/50 burger 1/3lb (with all the lettuce I made a small side salad of lettuce)
1/4 cup of avocado
2 pieces of bacon
slice of cheese
2-3 tbsp of chipotle mayo
1 fried artichoke
2 sweet potato fries
1 alcoholic beverage :-/
Guess I'll be doing 100 burpees tomorrow as my warm up. I have to say, 1 drink just made me sad and want another! Hahaha....


  1. U and homer are cracking me up... Stop going to places that have booze :)

  2. friends don't let friends drink that how it goes?
