Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 35 of the Nutrition Challenge

Tired Tuesday!

I woke up feeling like I could sleep another 8 hours. I trained hard yesterday!! Luckily, I am not super sore - although we'll see how I feel tomorrow. I have an early lunch meeting at 11:30 so besides my usual coffee, I won't be eating breakfast. I don't have time to it's already 9:40am!

Lampost Pizza - NO I didn't eat pizza!
Greek Chicken salad with lots of lettuce, tomato, olives, onion and some feta cheese.
2 tbsp of balsamic vinaigrette dressing.

1/2 cup of blueberries and raspberries
10 walnuts

No WOD today, but did 100 burpees and some ab work.

Snack 2:
6oz almond milk
1 scoop of green superfood
3/4 scoop of protein powder
1 tbsp almond butter

Slaters 50/50
Cobb salad
8oz of chicken
1oz bacon
1/4 avocado
1 egg
tomato and lettuce (obviously)
1 tbsp of chipotle sauce
2 tbsp of ranch dressing
2 Allagash beers
3 decent sized slurps of a nutela chocolate shake Oh my cock was it AMAZING! (Thank you HOMER! :-)

The conversation at dinner was priceless...I love my every minute I spend with my 3 favorite guys. Okay Homer since you're the only one who really reads this, you're my MOST favorite! Hahahaha!


  1. 3 things to never post again:
    1. "Oh my cock"
    2. Homer
    3. Homer being referenced to #1
    LOL! At least you had a good time.

  2. Homer you can't control my blog!!! Let's not forget how great "Ohhh my cock" really sounds after you eat something amazing!! You can't deny how magnificent my saying is! Next time you eat a really good piece of cake - you'll be saying my saying. At least in your head!! =D

  3. I've already said it 3 times today. It is an amazing saying... I doubt I will do much intermittent fasting, but I certainly learned something from this blog post - and Oh My Cock do I feel good about it! 4 times.
